

With all the wedding stuff going on, I am learning the importance delegating things is to my sanity & well being.

I can’t do everything. Plain and simple, and trying to just puts me further behind on things. Slowly but surely I am figuring out how this stuff works and things are coming together. It’s just a hard to see at a distance of 5 months.

I have always been awful at admitting that I need help and/or asking for help. I want to be able to do things the way I would like them but I’m seeing that letting people in will help make all of this a much better experience. I can direct them and just split the chores so things get done faster but the load is lessened for everyone.

I am so excited about getting married to Zach and I don’t want the “planning” of the day frustrate me and stress me out like it does. Pray for me in that area of things please. πŸ™‚

So don’t be surprised if I start recruiting some of you to do things, all though some of you might have been expecting it all along.

2 responses »

  1. I’ll be praying for you and if there is anything I can help with from here, let me know. I would be happy to. Or maybe I should just come see ya. πŸ™‚

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